A health based emergency is never ever fun, let alone when it’s an emergency related to your teeth.
Despite the overall improvement in dental hygiene worldwide, dental emergencies remain very common, with almost every dental surgery able to offer its emergency patients same-day treatment options. This is great, as it means that you will be out of discomfort much sooner and any detrimental health conditions related to the emergency (such as an abscess) will be dealt with promptly, so you can go about your day as before.
At Kooringal Dental, our dentist Wagga Wagga takes dental emergencies seriously and will always aim to have you seen as soon as possible. Our priority will be to diagnose the cause of the emergency, to get you out of discomfort as soon as possible and to schedule follow-ups if necessary.
So, what are the most common dental emergencies and what are some of the signs to look out for? Our dentist Wagga Wagga offers the following guide.
An abscess is pretty hard to miss!
Discomfort that can stop you from sleeping is one of the key reasons why our dentist Wagga Wagga offers same-day appointments!
But, in the early stages, an abscess can feel like a bruise, there will be some swelling and your gums may look blue. You are also probably going to feel ill, so seek help immediately if you suspect a dental abscess.
Cracked or chipped tooth
Sometimes, you can see cracks and chips in your front teeth simply by looking into a mirror.
But, in cases where the damage is located at the back, this becomes trickier. Be sure to keep an eye out for sensitivity issues and if you notice a rough or sharp part of a tooth that has appeared suddenly, contact us.
Lost restoratives
Lost fillings and crowns are often quite dramatic when they fall out; you will feel something unusual in your mouth, and upon removing it, it is a piece of metal.
But should you only partially lose a filling or crown, you may notice that the tooth is sensitive to hot and cold temperatures and may even hurt when you are eating.
Wobbly tooth
Visually, a wobbly tooth, well, wobbles! But if it has only recently come loose, it can be tougher to spot, especially if it is a molar at the back of the mouth.
Signs to look out for include discomfort when biting down, a feeling of movement when you press it with your tongue or even bleeding.
Obviously, a visual issue in most cases, if you can see while looking in the mirror that there is a lump on one side of your face, under your jawline or protruding from your mouth, then you need to see our team and pronto!
But, sometimes swelling in the mouth can be harder to spot. If you are finding it hard to breathe through your mouth, or are having issues chewing or swallowing food, then you need to seek urgent medical help.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.