In a lot of instances, when most people think of attending dental check-ups, they assume that the process involves simply having their teeth examined and their gums prodded with a dental instrument.
But there is much more going on when you attend a dental check-up and you may be surprised as to what happens during that 5-minute check!
At Kooringal Dental, our team is dedicated to helping you maintain the highest level of dental health and our dentist Wagga will always aim to ensure that your mouth is kept in prime condition. So, if you have missed a check-up due to lockdown restrictions or simply have one due, come see us and our friendly team!
But what are some of the things that our dentist Wagga will check for at your next dental appointment?
Oral cancer
It is an unfortunate truth that in the Western world, the rates of oral cancer are climbing. And it is also an unfortunate truth that oral cancer is not only one of the easiest cancers to detect via a trip to our dentist Wagga, but if caught early enough, it also has the highest survival rate.
When you attend a check-up with our team, we will explore your mouth for any unusual lumps, bumps or areas of unusual skin and, if we have concerns, we will refer you to a specialist.
If you have concerns about oral cancer, such as the presence of a growth or an ulcer that is bleeding or larger than it should be, then please contact our team.
Salivary gland inspection
Underneath your tongue, you have 2 salivary glands.
Why is this important for good dental health? Because saliva plays an important role in maintaining clean teeth and gums. When there is a lack of saliva, the mouth can become dry and thus bacteria can accumulate on the teeth and gums, heightening the chance of cavities forming alongside gum disease.
If we suspect that you have underactive saliva glands, we may be able to prescribe a fluoride gel, which can protect your teeth from decay.
Checking your jaw joint
You may not realise it, but if you have a misaligned set of molars or your upper and lower jaw do not sit well together, you are at a higher risk of developing temporomandibular joint disorder or TMD.
In the long term, this can cause issues with opening your mouth wide to eat, yawn or laugh and can also cause discomfort in the jaw joint overall. In most cases of TMD or joint distress, we will seek to relieve it with a brace or other orthodontic procedure.
Teeth and gums
Of course, a key feature of a check-up is our team examining your teeth for signs of decay and inspecting your gums for signs of gum disease or other issues.
These are more common if you have a poor diet, misaligned teeth and if there is a history of gum disease in your family, so it is vital for your overall health that you have your teeth and gums checked as often as possible.
Teaching on oral health
And of course, a key benefit of attending dental check-ups is that our team can teach you about oral hygiene; this includes brushing techniques, flossing and other aspects that may be unique to your specific dental needs.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.