We all know when it is time to see our dental team; usually every 6 months for a check-up, clean and assessment.
But few people are aware of when they may need an appointment in between these visits and what warrants a dental emergency. Granted, it should come as no surprise that one of the main reasons people seek emergency dental treatment is due to discomfort, but what are some of the other causes for requiring a same-day dental appointment?
In this article, we hope to answer this question for you, so you can be clear on when to call our team!
At Kooringal Dental, we are exceedingly proud of our emergency dentist in Wagga Wagga and are always able to offer same-day appointments for dental emergencies. We set aside appointments each day, dedicated for emergencies so there should usually be the option for you to contact us for same-day treatments if you need them! Perfect!
So, what is considered a dental emergency besides dental discomfort? Our emergency dentist in Wagga Wagga answers that below.
If you spot a gradual or sudden swelling to your face, under your jaw or anywhere in your mouth, you need to see our dentist in Wagga Wagga.
This could indicate an infection, an impacted tooth, severe gingivitis or an allergic reaction.
Lost crown or filling
Sometimes uncomfortable, a lost or loose dental restoration needs to be treated on the same day that you notice it.
Postponing treatment can cause the pulp and other parts of the tooth to be exposed to bacteria, which can lead to a worsening of the decay or a dental infection. Yikes!
Chips and cracks
A chipped tooth or even a cracked tooth doesn’t seem like a big deal.
But, much like the lost filling, even the smallest imperfection in the enamel can give bacteria an entrance point underneath the tooth. Why is this an issue? It can lead to decay, the crack or chip becoming deeper or wider and in certain circumstances, it can cause an infection.
A simple composite filling can restore the damage caused by a chip or crack, so it really isn’t worth delaying treatment.
Oral bleeding can occur for many reasons, such as trauma or even following dental extraction.
But should your bleed be consistent and last for more than 20 minutes (with the application of gentle pressure from clean gauze), you need to see our team to prevent excessive blood loss. This will allow us to assess the cause and place stitches or surgical glues to stem the bleed and allow the injury to heal.
This needs a bit of clarification; most people will develop oral ulcers or blisters when they are ill or under stress. These are normal, do not require urgent treatment and should resolve on their own.
Should you suffer from recurring ulcers or you notice that one of your ulcers is larger than a 5 pence piece, then you need to contact our team immediately.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.