When it comes to getting straighter teeth as an adult, many people assume that this will mean the use of metal or orthodontic braces.
Unless you have a complex misalignment, you may be suitable for other options, such as a clear or invisible brace or an aligner all of which, as their names suggest, are more visually discreet and may even be removable!
At Kooringal Dental, we are exceedingly proud of our orthodontic team and are always happy to discuss the possibility of our patients using one of our most popular aligners, Invisalign Wagga. Custom-fitted to your teeth, and made from clear plastic, this aligner is very efficient and easy to use in day-to-day life.
But you may be thinking that at this point it sounds a bit too good to be true, and you may be sceptical about some of these claims. We can address your doubts. In this article, our team answers common questions that we are asked about Invisalign Wagga, to help you decide if it is the right treatment for you.
How does it work?
With traditional braces, the process works by fitting metal brackets to your teeth with dental cement and then adjusting or tightening them to move the teeth through pulling. When it comes to Invisalign Wagga, these are aligners that are best suited for mild to moderate cases of misalignment, and the process works by predicting the required movement of your teeth using computer technology and then printing custom-fitted aligners for each stage of the process. As such, these aligners have to be worn in order and you cannot skip any of them.
How long does it take?
There are a few factors that can help to predict how long your treatment with this aligner will take, and the first one is the severity of the misalignment that you have. For the average treatment, which is aimed at correcting mild to moderate issues, the process takes on average 3 to 6 months.
You will also need to be committed to wearing the aligners too, as if you fail to keep them in, you will prolong the realignment process.
Is it uncomfortable?
Many people assume that because an invisible aligner does not involve pulling the teeth into their new locations, it will be completely comfortable. This, unfortunately, is not true (sorry!). These aligners are tasked and designed to move your teeth, so they will need to apply pressure to do so successfully. This may cause a bit of soreness, pressure and general discomfort, so it is worth stocking up on over-the-counter pain relief. If you are in extreme discomfort, however, you should contact our team for an assessment.
How do you clean the aligners?
The aligners themselves are very easy to clean. As they are removable, you simply rinse them under a cold tap (avoid hot or warm water as this may cause them to warp) to remove debris and bacteria. Do not put your aligners in the dishwasher, or clean them using mouthwash.
Are they expensive?
In short, no, invisible aligners are not expensive, as they are generally worn for shorter periods than fitted braces, and they require fewer trips to see our team for maintenance.
All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.